Riddle Me These

Riddle Me These

After the success of our Wheel of Fortune tribute in June, we’re back with another round of puzzling, this time in the form of some good old-fashioned riddles.

Each of the eight riddles below, presented in first person, describes one unique place in New Haven. All are solvable, though some may feel dastardly. They’ll test your knowledge of the city as well as your knack for deciphering enigmatic phrasing.

Every correct solution, submitted via this form by 5 p.m. next Wednesday, August 14, will earn you an entry into the prize drawing, where each of three randomly selected entrants will win a $50 gift card to a local restaurant of their choice. Correctly answering all eight riddles will give you eight chances to win, but even if you get just one answer right, you’ll still be in the running.

And if you don’t win, don’t worry. There’ll be more chances to play—and win—in the future.

For now, let’s get into it:

1. I was built to conceal my age, yet from every angle my time is revealed.

2. Even freshly updated, my bones are Yale’s oldest.

3. Under a common name made proper, my once-threatened Rayn survives.

4. I stand thousands of stories above the New Haven Green.

5. Even on Christmas Day, I’m full of “fa”s and “la”s.

6. My home is long gone, but my wall remains.

7. I’m named for a neighbor, even though I have none.

8. Of my kind, I’m the first; for my kind, I’m the last.

That’s all of ’em. Remember: You have until Wednesday, the 14th, to submit your solutions. So take your time and think things through. Happy puzzling.

Written by Dan Mims.

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