Easily in the running for the funnest place in New Haven yesterday afternoon was the splash pad at Lighthouse Point Park.
A plastic-fronded palm tree spouted water into the sky, which fell back like a heavy sunshower. A sinister-eyed snake spat a wide-fanning stream at an angle. Three perched red buckets filled up until they could hold no more, their contents spilling down in big shimmering glops.
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A walk-through arch sprayed misty triangles from around its curve. Water cannons painted fluorescent yellow and blue painted with water whomever dared enter the crossfire. Geysers sprang up, then receded, then returned, time and again drawing shouts and giggles from those standing above.
Including the adults.
Lighthouse Point Park
2 Lighthouse Rd, New Haven (map)
7am-sunset through November 1
Free for New Haven-registered cars; $20/day or $100/season for others.
Written and photographed by Dan Mims.