Rain and Shine

Rain and Shine

A photo essay. To view all 26 photos (and at higher quality), check out the email edition.

During Arts for Labor last weekend, Saturday felt easy. Feel-good sets from SCSU alum DJ Fire breezed into cool, collected songs from New Haven band The Tines and gospel/R&B anthems from home state hero Dawn Tallman.

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Sunday was harder. Steady, then fitful rain delayed the show and saturated the Green. The tech crew had to protect the electronics and squeegee the stage. Turnout was low.

That’s a shame, because it was a phenomenal show. And the sense of vitality that came from defeating the rain, embracing the rain, dancing in the rain—especially if you were one of headliner Durand Bernarr’s swooning young fans (who would’ve braved more than rain), or one of Kennedy Administration’s dazzled new converts (like me), or one of Paco Godoy y su Orquesta’s beaming admirers (“Viva Ecuador! Viva Peru!”)—was easily worth a night of wet socks.

Written and photographed by Dan Mims. Images 1a-d feature Durand Bernarr. Image 2 features S.G. Carlson of The Tines. Image 3 features Dawn Tallman. Image 4 features Kennedy of Kennedy Administration. Image 5 features Team Leggoo/Double Up Dance Studio.

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