To The Touch, a charismatic new exhibition from curator Deborah Hesse at the Ely Center of Contemporary Art, invites us not just to see, not just to touch, but also to hear and even smell the art.
The one thing you can’t do, at least not with permission, is taste it—though you may consider this photo essay, limited only to partial and detail images, a taste of what awaits.

Photo Key:
1. Prefabricated (partial) by Gregory Patrick Garvey
2. Together Red and Blue Make Purple (Crayons) (detail) by Cate Solari
3. Monolith (detail) by Melanie Carr
4. Let it Rain (partial) by Marsha Borden
5. Sensory Table (detail) by Beth Klingher
6. Audacious & Persistent (detail) by Grayson Cox
7. Power (detail) by Leila Daw
8. Disbelief (partial) by Melanie Carr
9. Disbelief (detail) by Melanie Carr
10. Spoil (partial) by Dana Prieto
11. Musical Tea for Us (detail) by Yin Mei
12. Together Red and Blue Make Purple (Crayons) (partial) by Cate Solari
Written and photographed by Dan Mims.