Who‘s Counting?

Who‘s Counting?

Seven years ago today, the first edition of Daily Nutmeg was sent to 1,000 intrepid subscribers.

Today’s edition is going out to an audience of 20,000. More than 1,800 editions, including 366 events previews covering thousands of local happenings and 116 photo essays featuring as many as 40 images, have published in the interim.

We thank the 37 writers and photographers who’ve contributed between one and 577 stories apiece, totaling well over 1,000,000 words and 5,000 photos.

We thank the more than 80 local sponsors who have seen something special in Daily Nutmeg and its engaged and literate readership.

And we thank you, our readers, who’ve made this endeavor such a worthwhile one.

To seven—

—Your friends at Daily Nutmeg—

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