Good Game

Good Game

We’re celebrating 2023 by revisiting some of the year’s most memorable photo essays, each plucked from—and emblematic of—one of the four seasons. First up? Winter, thanks to this icy March 14 photo essay.

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Northeastern’s 4-1 win over the Yale women’s hockey team doesn’t reflect the closeness of Saturday’s regional championship game at The Whale. In the scoreless but action-packed first period, the Bulldogs—ranked in the nation’s top five since November and coming off their first regular-season conference title ever—seemed ahead on quality of play. Early in the second period, they clanged one off the goalpost before the fifth-ranked Huskies, dressed in black and red, scored the game’s first. Yale responded by hammering Northeastern for 12 straight minutes, only to see a culminating goal called back for high sticking. Near the end of the game, with a 3-1 lead and Yale’s goalie pulled, the Huskies were able to pad their margin against an undefended net.

Soon after, Northeastern was celebrating their victory and, by virtue of it, a trip to the team’s third straight Frozen Four; Yale was caught in the awkward position of both mourning and celebrating the school’s best season ever; and I, for one, was deflated but also elated from 60 minutes of hard-fought, high-skill hockey.

Click here for some of the evidence.

Written and photographed by Dan Mims.
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