Water Features

Water Features

A photo essay. To view all 12 images, check out the email edition.

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From the main walkways climbing Science Hill, the pond behind Kroon Hall, home to Yale’s School of the Environment, is easy to miss, even when you’re walking right past it. Built at the same time as Kroon, the pond, located here, has been around since 2009, yet I, for one, had never noticed it.

Walled in sandstone and lined with river stones, the pond is one piece of an otherwise hidden rainwater recycling system that begins by storing and filtering any rainfall it collects. The water is then piped and spouted into the pond, where aquatic plants in varying states of submergence help remove the remaining bad stuff.

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Once cleansed, the water leaves the pond, destined to irrigate the grounds and fill Kroon’s toilets. The system reportedly saves more than half a million gallons of potable water each year. Adding to that efficiency, the pond provides a peaceful spot to rest and relax.

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Written and photographed by Dan Mims.

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