This Week in New Haven (March 29 - April 4)

This Week in New Haven (March 29 - April 4)

As the Jewish holiday of Passover remembers an escape from slavery this week, other liberations are celebrated or imagined.

Monday, March 29
Starting at 4 p.m., the next Mondays at Beinecke talk, still virtual, features George Miles and Joy Burns discussing a freeing moment in local history. Miles, a curator with the Beinecke Library, is set to highlight “22 pencil drawings of the Amistad captives as they awaited trial in New Haven” in 1839 and 1840, while Burns, a member of the commemorative modern-day Amistad Committee, “will discuss the resonance” of the trial and ultimate liberation of the ship’s slaves and “share efforts to commemorate the Amistad now and for the future.” Free; registration required.

Tuesday, March 30
At noon, Yale’s Jackson Institute for Global Affairs hosts a “special conversation with newly elected Senator Mark Kelly on leadership, global affairs, and his priorities for the 117th United States Congress.” Kelly, who represents Arizona, was a naval aviator and an astronaut, the latter of which entailed four missions in space. Free; registration required.

Orange’s Case Memorial Library presents a 7 p.m. author talk by Eric Lehman and Amy Nawrocki. Drawing on the research they did for their book A History of Connecticut Food (2012), the duo’s docket includes “native cultivated crops, raised livestock, and harvested fish that have formed a distinctive Connecticut cuisine.” Free; registration required.

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Wednesday, March 31
At noon, Marisa Angell Brown, who got her PhD at Yale and is now the assistant director for programs at Brown University’s John Nicholas Brown Center, delivers “Model City,” a virtual lecture presented by the Yale Center for British Art. The model city is New Haven itself, which Angell Brown describes as “a museum of modern architecture” that, as of its 1970s modernist prime, “offered buildings of all types and scales created by the first generation of starchitects in the United States: Gordon Bunshaft, Louis Kahn, Charles Moore, Paul Rudolph, Eero Saarinen, Robert Venturi, and many others.” Free; registration required.

Thursday, April 1
At 5:30 p.m., South Asia Institute director Asad Ali Jafri and Yale Divinity School lecturer Abdul-Rehman Malik present “Listening While Muslim: Searching for the Sounds of a Just Future.” The pair say they will “take us on a sonic soul journey that crosses continents, languages and genres, exploring how music at the intersection of faith, culture and politics can enable us to imagine the world anew.” Free; registration required.

The next Pitch Day for the Food Business Accelerator, a local incubation program administered by CitySeed and Collab, kicks off at 6 p.m. and showcases the program’s latest cohort of ventures. Among them are Heartfelt Catering, serving “health-conscious options to the Black community using soul-inspired recipes and plant-based products to support a healthier lifestyle”; Ja T’aime, “a bar specializing in a unique combination of clever treats paired with crafted cocktails”; and Tortilleria Semilla, offering “organic, non-GMO tortillas that are fresh with unique taste.” Free; registration required.

Friday, April 2
A book talk organized by Yale’s Council on East Asian Studies features acclaimed Korean author Kim Soom and the award-winning translators who shepherded her novel One Left (2020) into English. Taking up the World War II-era history of Japanese “comfort stations,” in which “more than 200,000 Korean girls were forced into sexual servitude” and, if they survived, were shunned upon returning home, the book follows a secret survivor of that ordeal—a woman “who was kidnapped at the age of thirteen” and then hides her past for decades, until the moment “she learns that the last known comfort woman is dying” and “decides to tell her there will still be ‘one left.’” Free; registration required.

Written by Dan Mims. Image, provided courtesy of the New Haven Museum, features Nathaniel Jocelyn’s portrait of Sengbe Pieh, a.k.a. Joseph Cinqué, leader of the Amistad slave revolt. Readers are encouraged to verify times, locations and prices before attending events.

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