Stone wall at Edgerton Park, New Haven

This Week in New Haven (July 24 - 30)

Walls of sound, stone and art—also brains—shape this week in New Haven.

Monday, July 24
Three free and cozy Nights converge on The Outer Space (295 Treadwell St, Hamden): Trivia Night (7 p.m.), which invites locals to “come test your knowledge and win some cool prizes;” Open Mic Night (7:30 p.m.), anchored this time by Los Angeles “neo-folk” artist Abby Posner; and Monday Movie Night (9 p.m. or so), a biweekly back-patio screening—the movie’s always a surprise—put on by the New Haven chapter of the 48 Hour Film Project.

sponsored by

Yale Center for British Art

Tuesday, July 25
Three shows in as many days demonstrate the range of talent that comes through College Street Music Hall (238 College St, New Haven; 203-867-2000). Tonight’s headliners, both electronic acts, are the fitful Phantogram and the beat-driven Tycho (7:30 p.m.; $29.50-32). Tomorrow’s topper is The Mighty Mighty Bosstones, a ’90s-heyday ska powerhouse that soundtracked untold teens’ adolescent elations, with locally notable ska band Spring Heeled Jack as an opener (8 p.m.; $26-30). Thursday’s main attraction is The New Pornographers, an indie rock-power pop band that’s been around for 20 years but hasn’t slowed down, with members like Neko Case and, though he’s currently taking what seems like a temporary break, Dan Bejar, a.k.a. Destroyer (8 p.m.; $30-35).

Wednesday, July 26
At 7 p.m. at Blackstone Library (758 Main St, Branford; 203-488-1441), Andrew Pighills discusses a key feature of pastoral Connecticut and of the place whence its first colonial settlers came. His talk, titled “Stone Walls of England and New England,” compares “building styles and techniques… from colonial times to present day,” examining “how they fit into the garden and wider landscape of past and present.” Free.

Also at 7, with the aid of friends, “eclectic world music/folk band” Dr. Caterwaul’s Cadre of Clairvoyant Claptraps is playing the music of The Simpsons at a venue that probably has the long-running show on DVD or Blu-ray: the Best Video Film and Cultural Center (1842 Whitney Ave, Hamden; 203-287-9286). By the way, members of the Cadre are returning to Best Video this Friday at 7 p.m., when they’re backing up Neela, a world music duo that blends the musical influences of New Orleans and Mumbai, among others.

Thursday, July 27
At 2 p.m., Yale’s Cushing Center—named after famed Yale neurosurgeon and researcher Harvey Cushing, whose many preserved brain specimens are on display—offers a free public tour. Beyond viewing amber-lit jars of gray matter, organizers encourage attendees to “take time to view the videos, browse the books, open the drawers beneath the exhibit cases, light up the vitrines to get a better view of some of Dr. Cushing’s most prized books and manuscripts and fold out the large poster display doors to view reproductions of Cushing’s own artwork.”

Friday, July 28
From 4 to 7 p.m., Artspace (50 Orange St, New Haven; 203-772-2709) is hosting an opening reception for two affiliated exhibits: My Country, featuring work by the gallery’s summer student apprentices, who attend local high schools; and Making Them Known, featuring work by Nona Faustine, “a Brooklyn-based photographer and visual artist whose work focuses on the points at which history and identity intersect,” who’s also been mentoring those students.

Saturday, July 29
At 7:30 p.m., the second and final installment of this summer’s free Music on the Green concert series features percussionist, vocalist and famed Prince collaborator Sheila E. In a solo career reaching back to 1984—when one of her most famous songs, “The Glamorous Life,” mixing synths, saxophones and her trademark cowbell-timbales setup, was released—her sound has ranged from Paula Abdul- and Janet Jackson-style pop to polished world music melding American pop, rock and hip hop sensibilities with authentic Latin vocals and grooves.

Sunday, July 30
City Gallery (994 State St, New Haven; 203-782-2489) hosts a 2 p.m. artists’ talk in conjunction with Elton Harder Kane, an exhibit highlighting “painting, printmaking and mixed media” work by member artists Freddi Elton, Barbara Harder and Kathy Kane. Free.

Written and photographed by Dan Mims. Readers are encouraged to verify times, locations and prices before attending events.

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