We aren’t leaving home, but we’re still getting around, including to international perspectives.
Monday, February 22
The Jewish Community Center for Greater New Haven’s 10th annual Beckerman Jewish Film Series enters its fourth of 13 weeks, with each week offering a new film to be screened at home. This week’s selection is On Broadway (2019), a documentary featuring a who’s-who of theater legends and contemporary stars. They’re convened here to tell “the inside story” of Broadway’s famed theater scene and the ingredients behind its pre-COVID resurgence. Tickets cost $10 for one movie, $24 for three movies or $108 for the entire run.
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Wednesday, February 24
At 11 a.m., in a free virtual event presented by Yale’s Greenberg World Fellows program, an international panel—including independent policy advisor Simon Anholt; Danish parliamentarian Uffe Elbæk; and Mmasekgoa Masire-Mwamba, the deputy secretary general of the Commonwealth Secretariat between 2008 and 2014—considers the “tricky task” of being a “good country”: one that satisfies both “its domestic and international responsibilities.” Registration required.
Thursday, February 25
At 7 p.m., during a free virtual talk organized by Creative Arts Workshop, Christine McCarthy, Director of Preservation and Conservation Services for the Yale Library, offers expert advice on preserving “personal treasures, family heirlooms, historical records, and private collections” in a non-institutional setting. Attendees of the free virtual talk will “learn ways to adapt professional strategies from libraries and archives to care for and organize your family papers, photographs and most prized objects to minimize the risks for damage and deterioration.” Registration required.
Friday, February 26
“Let My People Go,” a virtual, three-day interfaith conference focused on “dismantling mass incarceration,” begins tonight at 5 p.m. with brief introductory remarks followed by an overview panel on the US criminal justice system. Things then pick up tomorrow at 10 a.m. for a full day’s itinerary and finish on Sunday in the early afternoon, spanning more than 20 “experts from diverse faith backgrounds and life experiences” including “community organizers, leading academics, the formerly incarcerated, faith leaders
Saturday, February 27
The local reading series Chapter & Verse, whose selection process balances curation with inclusion, presents its next lineup of writers sharing their original prose and poetry. Having temporarily retreated from its usual home at Koffee? while the pandemic plays out, today’s installment, starting at 7 p.m. and themed after “Mystery,” proceeds online. Email koffeereading@gmail.com to RSVP and receive the Zoom link.
Sunday, February 28
The Palestine Museum US, located in Woodbridge, hosts a virtual discussion with Haaretz columnist Gideon Levy, a unique figure in Israel’s media landscape whose “writings often focus on the daily lives and sufferings of ordinary Palestinians living under Israeli occupation and control in the West Bank and Gaza. His work raises sharp criticism from mainstream Israeli journalists and politicians who accuse him of being pro-Palestinian and of treason.” Topics of discussion include “the obstacles and prospects for peace, the one/two-state solutions, the role of the Palestinian Authority, prospects for Palestinian unity, Israeli elections/politics, and Israel’s relations with the new Biden administration.” Free; registration required.
Written by Dan Mims. Image photographed by Elena Dijour for Shutterstock. Readers are encouraged to verify times, locations and prices before attending events.