Daily Nutmeg

Father Time
With apologies, an overworked dad joke: Q: Who’s got the world’s best dad bod? A: The researchers with the body of dada showing how important fathers are. This Father’s Day...
Father Time
With apologies, an overworked dad joke: Q: Who’s got the world’s best dad bod? A: The researchers with the body of dada showing how important fathers are. This Father’s Day...

Love Language
For two decades, Carol Ruggiero filled pages and pages with her thoughts and memories, evoking images of a bygone era, and now they fill Pearls from Carol, the blue-bound book...
Love Language
For two decades, Carol Ruggiero filled pages and pages with her thoughts and memories, evoking images of a bygone era, and now they fill Pearls from Carol, the blue-bound book...

The Note Book
Researching family history for the publication of her parents’ love letters was interesting and fun, Hamden author Jill Snyder says. It was also healing. While telling the story of her...
The Note Book
Researching family history for the publication of her parents’ love letters was interesting and fun, Hamden author Jill Snyder says. It was also healing. While telling the story of her...

Roll Call
No one has ever logged a perfect game of duckpin bowling, Sandi Thomas tells me. She’s owned Johnson’s Duckpin Lanes in Hamden since 1985, and she practically grew up in...
Roll Call
No one has ever logged a perfect game of duckpin bowling, Sandi Thomas tells me. She’s owned Johnson’s Duckpin Lanes in Hamden since 1985, and she practically grew up in...

Salvage Mission
As cofounder and board chair Lisa Spetrini guided me through the racks, bins, shelves, cubbies and jars of artsy, craftable salvage in North Haven’s EcoWorks—“Connecticut’s only Creative Reuse Center”—I thought...
Salvage Mission
As cofounder and board chair Lisa Spetrini guided me through the racks, bins, shelves, cubbies and jars of artsy, craftable salvage in North Haven’s EcoWorks—“Connecticut’s only Creative Reuse Center”—I thought...

Peace and Quiet
“I find it interesting that some people say they don’t want to live near a cemetery,” says Dan Krueger, manager of Beaverdale Memorial Park. Cemeteries are places of beauty and...
Peace and Quiet
“I find it interesting that some people say they don’t want to live near a cemetery,” says Dan Krueger, manager of Beaverdale Memorial Park. Cemeteries are places of beauty and...