Daily Nutmeg

Script Notes IV
Three times last year, I reeled off a series of movie and TV moments referencing New Haven. Now I’ve recorded enough for a fourth. And while things usually go south...
Script Notes IV
Three times last year, I reeled off a series of movie and TV moments referencing New Haven. Now I’ve recorded enough for a fourth. And while things usually go south...

Works in Progress
I had never fully considered the social and cultural content of the color pink until I saw Sheila Levrant de Bretteville’s 1974 broadside Pink. Designed for an American Institution of...
Works in Progress
I had never fully considered the social and cultural content of the color pink until I saw Sheila Levrant de Bretteville’s 1974 broadside Pink. Designed for an American Institution of...

Garden Party
It’s teatime. Four women—Sally, Vi, Lena and Mrs. Jarrett—sit in a homey English garden, “nattering” (chatting) during a series of blue sky afternoons about their families, their neighbors, their former...
Garden Party
It’s teatime. Four women—Sally, Vi, Lena and Mrs. Jarrett—sit in a homey English garden, “nattering” (chatting) during a series of blue sky afternoons about their families, their neighbors, their former...

Good Bones
I never got over Brontosaurus excelsus (“noble thunder lizard” for those of us who don’t speak ancient Greek). I don’t know when I first visited Yale’s Peabody Museum, probably at...
Good Bones
I never got over Brontosaurus excelsus (“noble thunder lizard” for those of us who don’t speak ancient Greek). I don’t know when I first visited Yale’s Peabody Museum, probably at...

Good and Mad
A photo/video essay. To see all 14 images/gifs, check out the email edition. March Madness doesn’t arrive for two weeks, but there was already a mad mood Saturday night in...
Good and Mad
A photo/video essay. To see all 14 images/gifs, check out the email edition. March Madness doesn’t arrive for two weeks, but there was already a mad mood Saturday night in...

Indie Production
As a Trinity College undergraduate in 1973, I was thrilled to discover Cinestudio. I was already a movie enthusiast, but that was a far different era, before the growth of...
Indie Production
As a Trinity College undergraduate in 1973, I was thrilled to discover Cinestudio. I was already a movie enthusiast, but that was a far different era, before the growth of...