Shadowy Figures

Shadowy Figures

A photo essay.

Negative space is the space you don’t naturally notice, even when you’re looking at it.

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Game On9 - Friday, June 3

By that measure, shadows are the ultimate negative spaces. All day long, our brains focus on the other, light and bright stuff.

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Hopkins Summer School 2016

But shadows deserve more attention—this time of year, especially. When there’s a new heat in the air, the kind that penetrates your skin and sits there and, if it does those things for long enough, can do serious damage, shadows’ negative spaces are a real positive.

Photo Key

1, 10. Laboratory of Epidemiology and Public Health.
2. Powerhouse Building (rear).
3. Christ Church.
4. Ezra Stiles College.
5. Woolsey Hall.
6. Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library.
7. First and Summerfield United Methodist Church.
8. Sacred Heart school building (shuttered).
9. Central Power Plant.

Written and photographed by Dan Mims.

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