Night Fall

Night Fall

Autumn’s waxing was a creeping feeling, a slow descent into cool and dark from summer’s warm and bright.

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The Big Connect - November 19, 2015
Until last Sunday, anyway. As it does every year, the late-day daylight Daylight Saving Time had been saving evaporated into thin air, turning creep into plunge and crossing a critical psychological threshold in the process. Sunset’s now well under 5 p.m. with dusk just over, meaning 9-to-5ers miss one of autumn’s great consolations: rich late-day light illuminating delicate colored leaves, good for easing us contentedly into night.

But not all is lost. In our tree- and lamp-lined city, we can still enjoy fall’s scenes at night, though they take on a heavier timbre, where shadow is denser than light, and electrified bulbs become miniature suns against black skies.

Written and photographed by Dan Mims.

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