This Week in New Haven (July 31 - August 6)

This Week in New Haven (July 31 - August 6)

Highlights include an oyster fair day, a sunset luau and a full-moon stroll.

Monday, July 31
Walk a path by moon- and candlelight between 8:30 and 10 p.m. at the Branford Labyrinth.

Tuesday, August 1
NHPD’s National Night Out gathering “promotes police-community partnerships, neighborhood cohesion, camaraderie, and awareness of police programs.” Attractions include food, ice cream, arcade games, water games and a raffle.

sponsored by

The Blessed Michael McGivney Pilgrimage Center

Wednesday, August 2
This week’s Movies in the Plaza screening features the fun coming-of-age film 13 Going on 30 (2004).

Thursday, August 3
Armada Brewing’s next Queen’s Lounge Comedy Show starts at 7 p.m. and features JT Moore, Liz Moniz, Josh Mandl, Beau McDowell, Shiv Patel, Julia DiCesare and host Manju Gupta Koley.

Friday, August 4
From 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., the Urban Resources Initiative offers an annual community greenspace bus tour. Leaving from City Hall, the “tour of several fantastic greenspace sites throughout New Haven” includes “a light dinner” at one of the stops.

At 6:30, Yale’s iconic Branford College opens its courtyard for the 7 p.m. finale of the Yale Guild of Carillonneurs’s 2023 Summer Concert Series. Playing the carillon high up in Harkness Tower are guild members Lea Kim and Peter Zhang.

Saturday, August 5
Starting at noon, Stony Creek Brewery in Branford hosts a National Oyster Day Fair featuring “multiple oysters farmers onsite selling their oysters and telling their stories,” with live music from noon to 2 and 4 to 6.

Spaces Within, an invitational show at City Gallery, features work by sculptor Susan Clinard, painter/printmaker Shaunda Holloway and sculptor/collagist Linda Mickens and gets an artist reception this evening from 5 to 7.

At 7:30, Oak Haven Table & Bar hosts a Nicolas Cage-themed trivia night promising Cage movies on the TVs, swag bags for those wearing Cage-related costumes and drink specials including a Cage-inspired cocktail.

Sunday, August 6
From 1 to 5 p.m. at Bethany’s Clark Memorial Library, exhibition All Together Now “feature[s] works by local artists in painting, sculpture, drawing, quilts, pottery, site-specific installation and more on the Library grounds” alongside “children’s activities, live music, and baked goods.”

From 6 to 10 at Anthony’s Ocean View, home to possibly the only real palm trees in New Haven, Mahalo! A Luau Celebration offers “a hearty buffet dinner on the beach, limbo dancing, door prizes [and] raffle prizes” backed by a beachside sunset. “All proceeds will benefit the Miss Connecticut Volunteer Scholarship Fund!”

Written by Dan Mims. Image 1, featuring torches on a Hawaiian beach, by Maridav/Shutterstock. Image 2 features a still from 13 Going on 30. Image 3, of Angel in Flight by Linda Mickens, provided courtesy of City Gallery. Readers are encouraged to verify times, locations, prices and other details before attending events.

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