Group Show

Group Show

A photo essay. To view all 20 images, check out the email edition.

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Opened yesterday, the Creative Arts Workshop exhibition Making is one of my favorite kinds, where a ton of artists, about 150 in this case, get a straight-ahead chance to show you what they’ve got. Since this is a “faculty and student” art show, with all artists drawn from the Creative Arts Workshop community, there’s a sense that this is a special opportunity for some of the exhibitors, a few of whom may even be showing work publicly for the first time.

If there are any first-timers in the mix, it’s difficult to tell. The quality of the work is high, and the students often seem as worthy of their walls and pedestals as the instructors—a further testament to the faculty and to the facility, which has been painting and sculpting, drawing and pressing, sewing and soldering New Haven’s inordinately strong artist community for more than 60 years.

Written and photographed by Dan Mims.

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