Lost in Space

Lost in Space

A photo essay.

In a fitting end to an extended term, this year’s City-Wide Open Studios held its fourth and final weekend—there are usually three—in an extended space: Erector Square.

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Foote School

A sprawling three-story complex of art and other studios, it’s organized into eight numbered “buildings” that fit together in counterintuitive ways. You could enter some back stairs into Building 8, then take some stairs to Building 6, for example. Or, at one end of a series of hallways, you could go from Building 6 to Building 1 simply by crossing a threshold.

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Beers, Beards and Brahms with the New Haven Symphony Orchestra

As they do every year, signs at intersections competed for visitors’ attention, encouraging us to find this artist that way or that artist this way. Arrows taped onto walls pointed in directions where there was more to see—which meant they were often pointing opposite ways. Many of us found ourselves retracing our steps or realizing we’d already been down this hallway or that.

Which is all fine and well, because you really can’t ask for a better place to get lost in than Erector Square during CWOS. Check out the email version of this story to see all the photos.

CWOS 2016 – Erector Square Weekend
October 29-30 at 315 Peck St, New Haven (map)

Written and photographed by Dan Mims.

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