Father Time

Father Time

With apologies, an overworked dad joke:

Q: Who’s got the world’s best dad bod?

A: The researchers with the body of dada showing how important fathers are.

This Father’s Day weekend, show Dad he’s no joke. Follow his example, by…

Being There
At Cafe Nine, Ramones tribute act The Hymans “blast<> off like a rocket to Russia” and might remind Dad of music his age. At Lyman Orchards, a Skywalker Father’s Day takes a big lightsaber swing with a live “Star Wars demonstration.” Brunch is a laughing matter down at Jazzy’s Cabaret, while, upstate, things get serious as the Hartford Athletic pro soccer team face the Charleston Battery.

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Checking Under the Hood
Is Dad pretty handy? A tech tinkerer, an engine enthusiast? Perhaps he’d enjoy a vintage car show at Best Video; or a rare tour of the repair shop at the Shore Line Trolley Museum; or a flight into history at the Connecticut Air & Space Center, which, by the way, neighbors the Windsock Inn, a first-rate economy-class bar.

Putting Food (and Drink) on the Table
Mother’s Day tends to get the brunch buffets, but this Father’s Day, Anthony’s Ocean View (along with Jazzy’s) provides. If beer is Dad’s drink, choose between East Rock with indoor yard and patio games, New England with a popup vendor market and Two Roads with a “Mini Golf Celebration.” If wine amid vines sounds more intoxicating, there’s Gouveia, Paradise Hills, Rosabianca, Rose, Savino, Stappa. And if Dad wants something stronger, consider following the tracks of our recent bourbon hunt or finding the fine whiskey collections at Oak Haven and Ordinary.

Playing for Fun
Team up or square off with Dad on one of the area’s many pickleball courts. Whack golf balls at the Sleeping Giant. Scoot and paddle with a rental from Scoot & Paddle, where, this Sunday, “fathers paddle free” for up to an hour. Help yours feel like a kid again at Barcade, the Connecticut Sportsplex or the Olde Sawmill mini golf course.

As for this list, we’re on the 18th hole, and here’s the final stroke: Whatever you do, give Dad his due.

Written by Dan Mims. Image 1 photographed by Jeanette Brown/In the Light Photography. Image 2 photographed by Igor/Lucky Business.

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