Face-painted kids at Cherry Blossom Festival

This Week in New Haven (April 21 - 27)

The city hits an impressive stride this week with four of its annual keystone cultural events happening in as many days. The first of them is distinctively artisanal and intellectual; the second is earthy and energetic; the third is artsy and classy; and the fourth is celebratory and communitarian.

Mash โ€™em up and what do you get? New Haven.

Monday, April 21
Time is short to see the long-running Windows into Heaven: Russian Icons and Treasures exhibit at the Knights of Columbus Museum (1 State St, New Haven; 203-865-0400). Windows includes โ€œmore than 225 examples of Russian Orthodox iconography,โ€ among โ€œother liturgical and devotional items,โ€ and it closes this Sunday. Until then, you can visit between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. any day of the week. Free.

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Concerts at Yale

Tuesday, April 22โ€จ
The grammatically rebellious โ€œurban SEED [ ] ponics labโ€ (847 Whalley Ave, New Haven; 203-446-6228) is celebrating Earth Day tonight with a panel and film screening. The panelโ€™s speakersโ€”Brad Armstrong (urban SEED), Justin Elicker (New Haven Land Trust), Eric Ciolino (One World Coffee Roasters) and Greg Celantano (Hearts For People)โ€”are charged with answering the question, โ€œWhy organic?โ€ The screening to follow features Earth Days, a 2009 documentary tracing the rise of environmentalism in the 1960s and 70s. $10 donation suggested. 6:30 to 9 p.m.

Wednesday, April 23
From 5:30 to 7:30 tonight, the Ives branch of the New Haven Free Public Library (133 Elm St, New Haven; 203-946-8835) is hosting the next installment in its โ€œSpring Entrepreneur Series,โ€ intended to help budding small business owners. Led by accountant Tom Mazzafero, this oneโ€™s about money and finance and is geared towards โ€œentrepreneurs who are currently in the planning stages or ready to launch,โ€ though it seems likely that itโ€™ll still be useful even if youโ€™ve already gotten going. Free.

Thursday, April 24
โ€œKnot What You Imagineโ€ is the thematic title of this yearโ€™s Leonardo Challenge, which for twenty years has challenged artists to come up with deliriously creative answers to crafty questions posed by the Eli Whitney Museum and Workshop (915 Whitney Ave, Hamden; 203-777-1833). This yearโ€™s question is โ€œWhat can you make of knots?โ€, and a benefit reception tonight from 5:30 to 9 p.m.โ€”promising โ€œfine food, festive spirits and tidy inventionโ€โ€”is the publicโ€™s first chance to see the artistsโ€™ answers. Tickets to the benefit are $60; if you canโ€™t make it, the items will be on display for a few weeks to come.

Friday, April 25
Starting at 4:45 p.m. inside the Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library (121 Wall St, New Haven), the Yalie quintet Brass celebrates its fifteenth year with โ€œHollywood Brass,โ€ a concert event featuring tunes from movies including The Lord of the Rings series and The Incredibles. This is the latest show in the groupโ€™s โ€œMarble & Brassโ€ series, which has been running at the Beinecke since the quintetโ€™s first spring in 2000. Preceding the performance is the premiere of a short documentary film about the ensemble. Free.

From 5 to 9 p.m. this evening at the corner of Temple and Chapel Streets (and from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. tomorrow at Broadway Triangle), the Elm City Dance Collective erects โ€œThe See Yourself Project,โ€ wherein โ€œpassersby [are] invited to shape and direct the movements of living statues,โ€ a.k.a. dancers from the troupe. Free.

From 6 to 9 p.m., Haven Events packs an impressive number of local and regional vendors into Trolley Square (1175 State St, New Haven) for โ€œSpring Haven.โ€ In addition to goods for sale by 20+ arts, fashion and beauty vendors; food for purchase from the likes of Fryborg, Meat & Co. and Taco Pacifico; and a photo booth for preening in, DJ Lokash presides over a dance floor for tearing up. $2 admission.

Providence-based โ€œ8-bit punkโ€ duo Math the Band tops an 8 p.m. bill with New Havenโ€™s higher-bit duo Mission Zero and Hartford-hailing ska trio The Excitement Gang tonight at The Outer Space (295 Treadwell St, Hamden; 203-288-6400). Thrashing around as if they care deeply about trivial topics (โ€œWhy didnโ€™t you get a haircut?โ€), Math is great fun to watch on Youtube, but the groupโ€™s probably even more enjoyable live, where you can thrash around too. $10, $8 in advance.

Saturday, April 26
The sixth annual Rock to Rock Earth Day Ride kicks New Havenโ€™s bicyclers into gear this morning at Common Ground High School (358 Springside Ave, New Haven), where a preliminary period of โ€œregistration, breakfast and entertainmentโ€ opens at 8 a.m. Throughout the day, Rock to Rock rocks two pre-Ride rides and four official Ride rides, each with their own parameters and itineraries. Riders then converge on East Rock Park from 1 to 3 p.m., for more food and entertainment, plus an eco-fair and games for the kids. Registration is $15 for those 18 and under, $35 for adults aged 19-59 and $25 for the 60+ set.

โ€œSomething Blue,โ€ Artspaceโ€™s big 2014 fundraising gala, gets going at 5 p.m. Things begin in Artspace itself (50 Orange St, New Haven; 203-772-2709) with cocktails, wine, hors dโ€™oeuvres and a silent art auction, then shift down the block to the cavernous former bank building at 45 Church Street for a live auction and dessert. Tickets are $110, and to really get into the spirit of things, try and work some blue into your wardrobe.

Sunday, April 27
Itโ€™s never a guarantee at the time of the eventโ€™s scheduling that the cherry blossoms will show off their finery in time for the annual Cherry Blossom Festival in Wooster Square, but this year weโ€™re in luck, as some of them will have already been in bloom for a week. Held from noon to 5 p.m. today, the festival includes โ€œentertainment, food booths, art-related events, activities for children and petsโ€ and โ€œlots more.โ€ Among the entertainers is St. Lukeโ€™s Steel Drum Band, back after getting stage watchers out of their chairs last year, and kids (such as the ones pictured above during last yearโ€™s event) can find plenty to entertain them, including face-painting. Food vendorsโ€™ menus range from Italian to Ethiopian to Mexican to Indian, and 30+ arts, history and other cultural organizations, along with 10 artists and authors, are set to table the event. Free to attend.

Written by Dan Mims. Image courtesy of the Historic Wooster Square Association. Readers are encouraged to verify times, locations and prices before attending events.

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